Sunday, December 21, 2014

We made it! Last week we reached 1 million signatures for the European Citizen’s Initiative against the dangerous TTIP and CETA trade deals.

We made it! Last week we reached 1 million signatures for the European Citizen’s Initiative against the dangerous TTIP and CETA trade deals.
We wanted to celebrate the milestone with Jean-Claude Juncker, the current European Commission president and the man responsible for TTIP, on his 60th birthday. Together, we made sure he had an unforgettable day.
With over 150 activists from trade unions and environmental groups, we gathered outside the Commission building in Brussels with cake, confetti and balloons and gave Juncker a giant birthday card signed by over 1 million people.
The message was clear: Europeans don’t want secret trade deals that will undermine our laws, our regulations and turn our politicians into corporate puppets. International media loved the story. Journalists from Arte, BBC and international newspapers were there to report on the action. Sadly the real Juncker didn't show up to his party, so we had to make do with his look-alike:
Juncker Brussels
The movement against TTIP is growing bigger every day, and this is all thanks to you. Tens of thousands of us wrote in to the European Commission, telling them not to sign up to new rules that could mean companies can sue governments when they don’t like new regulations. Hundreds of people chipped in with donations to support the European Citizens Initiative. Many more complained to the European Ombudsman to demand that the talks take place in the open, under the scrutiny of European citizens.
Thank you!
2015 will be the crucial year. The rumour is that politicians on both sides of the Atlantic want this deal signed -- and the earlier, the better in their eyes.
So we need to get ready to keep fighting in 2015. Thousands of SumOfUs members have already chipped in to help us fight the battles that matter to all of us.
Will you please join us with a donation of $1 to keep up the fight against TTIP?
Thanks for all you do,
Anne, Hannah, and the team at SumOfUs

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