Finland considers basic income to reform welfare system
- 20 August 2015
The Finnish
government is considering a pilot project that would see the state pay
people a basic income regardless of whether they work.
details of how much the basic income might be and who would be eligible
for it are yet to be announced, but already there is widespread interest
in how it might work.Prime Minister Juha Sipila has praised the idea. "For me, a basic income means simplifying the social security system," he said.
The scheme is of particular interest to people without jobs. In Finland, they now number 280,000 - 10% of the workforce.
With unemployment an increasing concern, four out of five Finns now are in favour of a basic income.
Basic income
- Paid without any need for work
- Paid irrespective of any income from other sources
- Additional income subject to income tax
- Finland to initiate pilot project
- Dutch city of Utrecht to experiment with basic income this autumn
- UK Green Party advocated similar "Citizen's Income" at 2015 election
"A basic income? Yes, I'd gladly have €1,000 (£700, $1,100) a month," says one man at a centre for the unemployed in Pori, near Finland's west coast. But the amount is unlikely to be anywhere near that high.
He is the among the jobless who have come to an old, wooden building in city, where they can get cheap food, shop at a second-hand market, and take part in a variety of activities on offer.
"A basic income would encourage people to take a temporary job," says Paivi Hietikko, who helps out at the centre. Although she has no regular income at the moment, she does receive a payment for her work here.
"Having a basic income would mean the bureaucracy I´ve encountered at the employment agency would decrease."
Finland labour market
5.4 million
people live in Finland
2.5 million
are employed-
10% of the workforce is unemployed
22.7% is the level of youth unemployment
A paid temporary job means lower welfare benefits.
And if that job comes from a low-wage sector, you lose out because there is a delay before the authorities allow your benefits to be restored once you have left the job.
Fundamental change
Many Finns nowadays have what are described as atypical working lives, in that few spend their entire lives in the same occupation and with the same employer.This fundamental change has prompted a need for reforms to the social security system.
Supporters of the basic income believe it could offer an alternative to Finland's complex and costly benefit models.
Paivi Hietikko certainly sees its potential advantages - but she also wonders whether it would deter people from looking for work.
This has become one of the main concerns surrounding the idea.
But experts say it is too early to tell what the outcome would be.
"What would be the impact of a basic income to employment in Finland - positive or negative? We can't really foresee how people would behave with a basic income," says Ohto Kanninen, from the Tank research centre.
So the pilot project aims to get some answers.
Equality obstacle
The prime minister has expressed support for a limited, geographical experiment. Participants would be selected from a variety of residential areas.Mr Kanninen proposes testing the idea by paying 8,000 people from low income groups four different monthly amounts, perhaps from €400 to €700.
"If the impact on employment during the experiment was catastrophic, basic income would of course not be implemented on a large scale," he says.
One obstacle to staging a pilot project is Finland's constitution, which states that every citizen must be equal.
Even a small-scale experiment would put its participants in an unequal position.
However, Finns may be prepared to waive that principle of equality, if an experiment produces valuable information for society.
Finland Explores
Offering a Universal Basic Income to its Citizens
In Brief
The Finnish Social Insurance Institution is preparing a proposal that
would provide a tax free universal basic income of €800 per month to
every Finnish citizen.
Universal Basic Income (UBI)
The Finnish Social Insurance Institution is now working on a proposal
for a universal state-facilitated payment for every Finnish citizen. If
fully implemented, this would provide every citizen with a monthly tax
free payment of €800($1218 USD) and replace existing social benefits
from the Finnish welfare system. Only income earned over the basic
income will then be taxable. The proposal also included a trial period
where only €550 euros will be provided, without impacting existing
benefits such as housing and income subsidies. The basic income proposal
will be submitted to the Finnish government in November 2016, and if
approved a national trial is expected to follow.
Setting an Example
With unemployment rising steadily in Finland over the past decade,
citizens have been clamoring for more innovative solutions. This led to
big wins for pro-basic income parties in April’s parliamentary
elections, with the Centre Party winning 21% of the vote, the Green
League winning 8% and the Left Alliance winning 7%. Universal basic
income even has support from the nationalist True Finns party, garnering
a 57% approval rate. Basic income is seen as a means to provide more
stability in citizens’ lives, allowing them to more freely pursue more
creative, entrepreneurial, and humanitarian endeavors. With UBI
Finland’s progressive policymakers are taking a very bold step that, if
successful, could set an example for the rest of the world.
Read more at Futurism:
Read more at Futurism:
Finland Explores
Offering a Universal Basic Income to its Citizens
In Brief
The Finnish Social Insurance Institution is preparing a proposal that
would provide a tax free universal basic income of €800 per month to
every Finnish citizen.
Universal Basic Income (UBI)
The Finnish Social Insurance Institution is now working on a proposal
for a universal state-facilitated payment for every Finnish citizen. If
fully implemented, this would provide every citizen with a monthly tax
free payment of €800($1218 USD) and replace existing social benefits
from the Finnish welfare system. Only income earned over the basic
income will then be taxable. The proposal also included a trial period
where only €550 euros will be provided, without impacting existing
benefits such as housing and income subsidies. The basic income proposal
will be submitted to the Finnish government in November 2016, and if
approved a national trial is expected to follow.
Setting an Example
With unemployment rising steadily in Finland over the past decade,
citizens have been clamoring for more innovative solutions. This led to
big wins for pro-basic income parties in April’s parliamentary
elections, with the Centre Party winning 21% of the vote, the Green
League winning 8% and the Left Alliance winning 7%. Universal basic
income even has support from the nationalist True Finns party, garnering
a 57% approval rate. Basic income is seen as a means to provide more
stability in citizens’ lives, allowing them to more freely pursue more
creative, entrepreneurial, and humanitarian endeavors. With UBI
Finland’s progressive policymakers are taking a very bold step that, if
successful, could set an example for the rest of the world.
Read more at Futurism:
Read more at Futurism:
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